free live chat software

  1. A free and easy-to-use live chat solution with a wide range of customization options.
  2. Pure Chat: A free live chat solution with a limited number of chats per month, but with the option to upgrade for more features and chats.
  3. LiveChat Inc: A free live chat solution with a limited number of chats per month and basic features, with the option to upgrade for more advanced features.
  4. Crisp: A free live chat solution with basic features, including the ability to handle multiple chats and website visitor tracking.
  5. Zendesk Chat: A free live chat solution with basic features and the ability to upgrade for more advanced features and integrations.

Note that while these live chat solutions may be free, they may have limitations such as the number of chats per month or the number of agents allowed. Some may also have limited customization options or may include branding from the software provider. It’s important to evaluate each solution to determine which one best meets your needs.